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Copyright © 1971 American Telephone and Telegraph Company 

The Bell System Technical Journal 

Vol. SO, No. 4, April, 1971 

Printed in U.S.A. 

Maximum Power Transmission Between 

Two Reflector Antennas in 

the Fresnel Zone 

By T. S. CHU 

(Manuscript received August 11, 1970) 

Power transfer between two ellipsoidal reflector antennas with com- 
mon focal points and dual-mode feeds has been investigated. Asmming 
a circularly symmetric feed pattern, the H-plane pattern of an open- 
end circular waveguide excited by the TE n mode, the maximum trans- 
mission- coefficient between reflector apertures is found to be within 
0.5 percent of the value computed for transmission between two circular 
apertures with optimum illumination desci'ibed by the generalized 
prolate spheroidal function. Transmission loss between two reflector 
antennas versus illumination taper is computed for various values of 
the parameter \p = fka A a- 2 )/R]. The minimum transmission loss is 
obtained as a compromise between feed spill-over and aperture trans- 
mission efficiency. 

In view of the inconvenience of building different ellipsoidal reflec- 
tors for different antenna spacings in order to achieve maximum power 
transfer, we examine the feasibility of using a defocused ellipsoid to 
simulate ellipsoids of different focal lengths. The deviation of the 
aperture phase distribution of a defocused ellipsoid from a required 
spherical phase front is approximately given by an explicit expression. 
A simple upper bound of the transmission loss due to small phase devi- 
ation is obtained for a given maximum phase deviation. 


Millimeter waves have never been used in long-haul radio transmis- 
sion systems because of rain attenuation. However, wideband transmis- 
sion over short span (say less than 1 km) can be accomplished by 
millimeter wave systems, for example, the Picturephone® distribution 
in large cities proposed by R. Kompfner. The very high transmission 



efficiency may leave a large margin for rain attenuation to insure high 
reliability. Here the transmitting and receiving antennas may be 
within the Fresnel zones of each other. 

Maximum power transfer between two apertures in the Fresnel 
region takes place when the field distribution appears as the lowest or- 
der mode of a confocal open resonator. 1 - 2 Two ellipsoidal reflectors 
with common focal points may provide the required aperture phase 
distribution which is a spherical wave front with the center of curva- 
ture located at the center of the other aperture. The optimum ampli- 
tude distribution is a prolate spheroidal function for a rectangular 
aperture or a generalized prolate spheroidal function for a circular 
aperture. S. Takeshita 3 has shown that truncated gaussian illumination, 
which is asymptotically identical to the generalized prolate spheroidal 
function, may give a transmission efficiency between two circular aper- 
tures almost as good as that using generalized prolate spheroidal illum- 
ination. However, the truncated gaussian distribution only looks simpler 
in terms of mathematical manipulation while its practical realization 
appears not any easier than that of prolate speroidal functions. Fur- 
thermore, if a lens or reflector is used to produce the spherical phase 
front, the feed spill-over must be taken into account. The maximum 
power transfer between the feeds of two reflector antennas will be ob- 
tained as a compromise between feed spill-over loss and aperture trans- 
mission efficiency. This procedure is similar to optimizing the gain of a 
paraboloidal antenna. The aperture blocking effect can be made very 
small by using the periscope type structure 4 which virtually eliminates 
the feed supports. This paper will present the calculated results of 
Fresnel zone transmission between two ellipsoidal reflector antennas 
with dual-mode feeds. In view of the inconvenience of building differ- 
ent ellipsoidal reflectors for different antenna spacings, we will also ex- 
amine the feasibility of using a defocused ellipsoid to simulate ellip- 
soids of different focal lengths. 


Neglecting the interaction between the antennas and assuming that 
the tangential components of the electric and magnetic fields are re- 
lated by the free space impedance at each point of the two apertures 
A x and A 2 , the ratio of the received to transmitted power between two 
apertures* at any separation can be shown 5 to be 

* Not to be confused with transmission between two antennas which includes 
spill-over of the feeds. 




1 /*: 

Ja, Ja, 

j E 2 ds t ds 2 


\ 1 I I E[ | 2 dSy 

E 2 | 2 ds. 4 

where E[ and E 2 are tangential components of the aperture field dis- 
tributions when A x and A 2 are transmitting respectively. Using the 
small angle Fresnel approximation, the distance L may be approxi- 
mated by 

L = [R 2 + (x - tf + (y - t,) 2 ]*, 


fl + 

(x - £) 2 + (y - vY 

where the coordinate system is illustrated in Fig. 1. Then the near 
field power transmission formula becomes 

rp _ £-K - 

f A J A ^^[j H ^R yii) ] ^^^ 

R 2 \ 

iU E ^ ld 4L 

/ , 'ds^j^ /■;, ,/ 


E, =SJ exp [-J 2 fi J ' 
E t -E t e X p\-]—^ J. 



Fig. 1 — Two ellipsoidal reflectors with common focal points. 


If the aperture distributions are circularly symmetric, equation (3) 
can be reduced to 

( f E l (r)VrE 2 (r')Vr' Joiprr^Vpr/drdr' 

Jo Jo - 

I_ I «/Q ♦'O . 

V |£ I E&) Vr | 2 *}{£ I E 2 (r') V? | 2 dr j 


where p = (kata^/R for two circular apertures of radii a x and a* . 
One notes that the transmitting and receiving apertures may have 
different radii, while the optimum illumination function is identical 
for the two apertures. When both Ej and E 2 are real, the Schwartz 
principle gives the following condition for the maximization of equa- 
tion (5) 

j£ E(r) Vr=f E(r') Vr' J (prr') Vprr' dr' . 

\p J 


The subscript of E has been dropped because equation (6) is satisfied 
by both Ex and E 2 . The above integral equation has been thoroughly 
investigated by D. Slepian 6 and 0(r) = E(r)Vr is designated as a 
generalized prolate spheroidal function. The optimum transmission 
coefficient T taken from Slepian's work is given in Table I for reference. 
Now a simple way of approximately realizing the optimum aperture 
distribution appears to be the illumination of an ellipsoidal reflector by 
a dual-mode feel. In the vicinity of the reflector, the reflected field will 
follow the geometrical optics rays which are pointed toward the remote 
focal point as shown in Fig. 1, and thus the required spherical phase 
front will be created in the aperture. An experiment on dual-mode 
apertures 7 , one to two wavelengths in diameter, showed the measured 
patterns to be circularly symmetric and essentially in agreement with 
the #-plane pattern of an open-end circular waveguide excited by 
TEn mode, i.e., 

F(6) = \yji - riMY + cos 0J 

J[(u sin 6) ,„, 

_ ( u sin g \ a 
\ 1.841/ 

where u is the circumference of the waveguide in wavelengths. Since 
the ellipsoidal reflector is very closely a defocused paraboloid, as will 
be shown in the next section, the space attenuation factor needed for 
the variable distance from the feed to the reflector surface is essen- 
tially the same as that of a paraboloid. Then the aperture distribution 
is related to the feed pattern by 



E(r) = F(0) cos 2 


where ar/2f = tan 6/2 and / is the focal length of the reflector. The 
combination of equations (7) and (8) can be used to determine the 
value of u for any corresponding illumination taper as plotted in Fig. 
2. Substituting equation (8) into equation (5), numerical integration 
will give the transmission coefficient between two ellipsoidal reflector 
apertures excited by dual-mode feeds. The computed data have been 
plotted in Fig. 3 for f/D = 0.5 and various values of the parameter p. 
The maximum efficiency using dual-mode feed and excluding spill-over 
has been tabulated in Table I for comparison with the optimum effi- 
ciency using amplitude illumination of generalized prolate spheroidal 

The agreement between the second and third columns in Table I is 
indeed excellent. The insensitivity of the transmission coefficient to 
small differences in illumination is not surprising in view of the sta- 
tionary property of equation (5) . Table I does not show the maximum 
efficiency with dual-mode feed for p = 2 and 10, because the mathe- 
matical model in equation (7) for the dual-mode pattern has not been 
experimentally verified for the circumference of the waveguide outside 
the range 3 ^ it- ^ 6. However, this model covers the most interesting 
range and demonstrates that efforts to synthesize a truncated gaussian 
distribution are unwarranted. As far as maximum power transfer be- 
tween two apertures is concerned, any aperture distribution which re- 
sembles the generalized prolate spheroidal function may achieve prac- 
tically the optimum transmission efficiency. As an example of tolerable 
discrepancy, the dual-mode feed illumination function of a taper 
strength which maximizes the transmission coefficient for p = 5 is com- 
pared with the corresponding generalized prolate spheroidal function 

Table I — Power Transfer Efficiency of Two 
Circular Apertures 

p = ka\a-i/R 

Optimum Illumination 

Dual Mode Illumination 
Maximum Efficiency 






in Fig. 4. One notes that the over-all similarity is sufficient to achieve 
transmission coefficients differing by only 0.3 percent while the edge 
illuminations differ by more than 3 dB. 

Next we turn our attention to the spill-over loss of a feed. If the re- 
flector is illuminated by a circularly symmetric feed pattern F(9), 
then the fraction of the energy intercepted by the reflector will be 

a = [' [F(d)] 2 sin 9 dd / f [F(0)] 2 sin 6 dd 


where 6 is the half angle subtended by the reflector at the focus and 
the back lobes have been neglected. Substituting equation (7) into 
equation (9), we compute the total spill-over loss in decibels from 
2 [10 logio (l/«)] as shown in Fig. 3. The presence of two feeds in the 
system accounts for the factor two. It is seen that the spill-over loss is 
as important as the power transfer loss between two reflector apertures 
in determining the total transmission loss between two reflector an- 
tennas. The minimum total transmission loss between feeds will always 
be greater than the power transfer loss between the reflector apertures, 
and always occurs at an illumination taper stronger than that for the 
maximum transmission between two apertures. Any slight decrease in 
transmission loss due to deviation of the aperture distribution from 
the generalized prolate spheroidal function will certainly be swamped 
by the feed spill-over loss. Figure 3 indicates that the illumination 
taper corresponding to the maximum power transfer decreases as the 
parameter p decreases. As the distance between two reflectors increases 
toward the far zone condition p = 0, the optimum illumination taper 

Fig. 2 — Relation between feed pattern parameter and taper. 







2.0 - 

25 30 5 10 


Fig. 3 — Power transfer between ellipsoidal reflector antennas with dual mode 
feeds, (a) ka^/R = 2, (b) ka^/R = 3, (c) ka^/R = 4, (d) hktb/R = 5. 

will approach 12 dB which maximizes the Fraunhofer gain of a para- 
boloidal antenna. 8 One notes that 12-dB aperture taper corresponds to 
10-dB feed pattern taper, allowing a 2-dB space attenuation factor, for 
0.5 f/D ratio. When f/D decreases to smaller values, the spill-over loss 
curve will be shifted to the right because of increasing space attenua- 
tion factor. Then the minimum of the sum will be also moved to the 
right and upward. Large f/D ratio which requires narrow feed pattern 
may cause significant loss due to aperture blocking which has been 
neglected in the above calculations. 


In the preceding section we have shown that ellipsoidal reflectors 
are needed for maximum power transfer between two reflector antennas 
in the Fresnel region. The required focal lengths of the ellipsoidal re- 







ka, a ; 

Qi0 {v)/Vr, <P 0i0 ir)\s a 


U= 5.25 

19.2 dB TAPER 


0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 



Fig, 4 — Comparison between optimum aperture distributions. 

flectors are determined by the distance between the reflectors and the 
desired f/D ratio. It is obviously inconvenient to build different ellip- 
soidal reflectors for different antenna spacings ; however, approximat- 
ing ellipsoids of different focal lengths by a defocused ellipsoid can be 
an attractive possibility in some practical situations. The necessary 
displacement of the feed along the axis will be first determined. Then 
we will calculate the approximate phase deviation between the wave 
front reflected from a defocused ellipsoid and the spherical wave front 
in the aperture of a required ellipsoidal reflector. An upper bound of 
the transmission loss will be obtained for a given maximum phase 

The equation of an ellipsoid can be written as 

1 + R 

z = 



where / and E* are the two focal lengths. Now let us consider another 
ellipsoid with corresponding focal lengths /' and R' 



* R may be taken as any distance between /a — h and U , where /i and / 2 are 
the two focal lengths of the ellipsoid. This slight ambiguity results from the 
aperture approximation for reflector antenna, and is unimportant provided that 
/a is orders of magnitude greater than /i . 



These two ellipsoids coincide at the tip P = 0. We will impose the con- 
dition that the two ellipsoids also coincide at the edge p — a as shown 
in Fig. 5. Taking the first three terms of the binomial expansion of 
the square root in equations (10) and (11), we obtain an expression 
for the required defocus distance : 

= /'-/ = 

f(R - R 

2 [■ * (i)'] 


RR' 1/ ' \2fj 
in which the approximations / <£ R and /' <SC R' have been used. Sub- 

stituting equation (12) into equations (10) and 
deviation between the two ellipsoids becomes 

11), the approximate 

1 a 

AZ = ivi/r (1 - r) 

a 2 (R - R') 


where r = p/a is the normalized radius. Multiplying equation (13) by 
the factor (1 4- cos 6) yields the phase deviation between the two wave 
fronts reflected from the two ellipsoids as shown in Fig. 5. Since these 
ellipsoids differ little from paraboloids, the relation tan 0/2 = ar/2f is 
approximately valid. Then one arrives at the following expression 

*r 2 (l - r 2 ) 

! + (! 

a 2 R - R' 
XR' R 


The last factor in equation (14) is always less than unity when R 
> R'. This factor approaches unity when R — » oo, i.e., approximating 
an ellipsoid by a defocused paraboloid. The quantity inside the bracket 
of equation (14) is the phase deviation 9 of a wave front produced by a 

Fig. 5 — Geometry of defocused ellipsoid. 



defocused paraboloid from a desired spherical wave front for a Fresnel 
number (a 2 /\R) of unity, and has been plotted in Fig. 6 for various 
values of f/D ratio. The maximum phase deviation is found to be lo- 
cated at 

When (a/2/) 2 «. 1, the above equation can be reduced to 

P = 

sh m 



If the variation of antenna spacing covers a range from Ri to R 2 , the 
optimum ellipsoid for minimizing the phase deviation of equation (14) 
can be found by equating 

-0.02 - 

5 -0.04 


> -0.06 



= 0.75 ^//ll 

_J).§ZS_^^ / 1 \ 

___o.5 ^^y^ / / 

~~ \ ^s. 

0.375^/ / 

1 1 1 




0.4 0.6 




Fig. 6 — Aperture phase deviation between a defocused paraboloid and an 
ellipsoid for unity Fresnel number. 



R 2 — R' _ R' — R\ 
R 2 R R t R 

Solving the above equation, we have 

2R 2 R 2 

R' = 

Ri t R 2 



Substituting equation (18) into equation (14), the maximum phase 
deviation becomes 

\r\l - r 2 ) 

' - \% 

a 2 R, 

-R t 



One notes that the above total phase deviation is twice the maximum 
absolute magnitude of the phase error for the defocused ellipsoid. 
In the Appendix an upper bound of the transmission loss due to small 
phase error has been approximately determined as (w, + m 2 ) 2 for 
optimum aperture distributions where m t and m 2 are the maximum 
absolute magnitudes of phase error of the two apertures respectively. As 
a numerical example, if the antenna spacing varies by a factor of 3, 
equation (19) and Fig. 6 will give nu = m 2 = (%(8/\))-2ir = 0.03 for 
a Fresnel number of unity and an f/D ratio of 0.5. Then the fractional 
transmission loss due to phase error will be less than 0.4 percent. 


The above calculations have demonstrated the potential of optimum 
Fresnel zone transmission between two antennas with ellipsoidal 
reflectors illuminated by dual-mode feeds. In spite of the discrepancy 
between the illumination function of a dual-mode feed and the 
optimum illumination of a generalized prolate spheroidal function, 
the maximum power transmission between reflector apertures is prac- 
tically the same for the two cases. However, the feed spill-over loss is 
as important as the transmission loss between reflector apertures in 
determining the total transmission loss between reflector antennas. 
More sophisticated feed design, such as the synthesis of more than 
two modes, may reduce the spill-over loss. Here the resulting increase 
in aperture blocking of the reflector is undesirable. The use of a lens 
in place of a reflector would avoid aperture blocking but would give 
rise to interface matching problems. Furthermore, the proper organiza- 


tion of many modes implies narrow bandwidth and stringent toler- 

From a geometrical optics point of view, one is tempted to have the 
ellipsoidal reflectors focused at the midpoint between them. This 
scheme corresponds to a concentric resonator. The aperture distribu- 
tion created by the two reflectors which are portions of the same 
ellipsoid, as shown' in Fig. 1, is equivalent to a confocal resonator. 
The diffraction loss of a concentric resonator is much greater than 
than of a confocal resonator. The gaussian beam theory 10 predicts a 
beam waist, i.e., an effective focal region, in the middle of the confocal 
resonator. These observations indicate the failure of geometrical optics, 
although the reflectors are in the Fresnel zones of each other. Con- 
verting the reflected field into the aperture distribution employs 
geometrical optics ray tracing only in the immediate vicinity of the 
reflector. The validity of this procedure should be as good as that of 
calculating the diffraction pattern from the aperture distribution of 
a paraboloid al antenna. 

The feasibility of using a defocused ellipsoid to simulate ellipsoids of 
different focal lengths has been investigated. The optimum defocusing 
of an ellipsoidal reflector for obtaining another spherical wavefront is 
similar to that of defocusing a spherical reflector for obtaining an 
approximate plane wave front. The explicit expression for phase 
deviation shows its simple dependence on the f/D ratio, the Fresnel 
number, and the variation of antenna spacing. Since a defocused 
paraboloid is a special case of a defocused ellipsoid, the criteria ob- 
tained here will also be useful for measuring the Fraunhofer radiation 
pattern of a paraboloidal antenna in the Fresnel region. In particular, 
it clarifies the inconsistency among various schemes for this latter 
problem, proposed by D. K. Cheng. 9 ' 11 


The author wishes to thank A. B. Crawford for suggesting this prob- 
lem and for helpful discussions. 


An upper bound of the transmission loss due to small phase error 
will be given below for nearly optimum aperture distributions. The 
phase error may be either deterministic or random. A small phase 
error simply introduces an additional factor exp(;A<£) into the 



numerator of equation (5), where A<£ = A(r) + A(r / ). For small 
values of A<f>, 

exp (jbf>) & 1 - i(A^>) 2 + jA<f>. 
Then the modified equation (5) becomes 

- = \ f f M l (r)M 2 ( r ')J (prr , )Vpr7 |l - ^ 1 drdr' 
p \ Jo Jo \- & J 

+ \ f f M 1 (r)M 2 (r')J (prr')Vpr7 A<t> dr dr' 



M<(r) = - 


[ \E,(r)Vr\ 2 dr 


i = 1, 2. 



If Ei and E 2 are optimum aperture distributions, then for any pertur- 
bation factors A(r) and B(r') with maximum magnitudes m A and m B , 
the following inequality holds, 

f f A(r)M 1 (r)B(r')M 2 (r , )J (prr')Vpr7 dr dr' 

I •'0 J 

^ m\m\ [ f M i (r)M 2 (r')Jo(prr') Vpr7 dr dr' , (23) 

| Jo •'0 

where A and B can be either of the following combinations 
\A = A(r) \A = [A(r)] 2 U - 1 

'? = A(r')' {B - 1 IB - [A(r')] 2 

It follows that 

7 1 ^ T nnt 1 

opt T _ (», + m 2 ) 2 "| 2 ^ 



where mi = |A(r)| mnx and m^ = lAf/JIm^ . The maximum fractional 
transmission loss due to small phase error is 

1 - =r- ^ (w» + ™ 2 ) 2 1 - 

i opt L 

(m, + w 2 ) 



The above upper bound of the effect of phase error on the Fresnel 
zone transmission loss represents a conservative estimate. 



1 Borgiotti, G. V.. "Maximum Power Transfer Between Two Planar Apertures 

in the Fresnel Zone," IEEE Trans., AP-14, No. 2 (March 1966), pp. 158- 

■| CO 

2 Heurtiey J C, "Maximum Power Transfer Between Finite Antennas," IEEE 

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3. Takeshita, S., "Power Transfer Efficiency Between Focused Circular Antennae 

with Gaussian Illumination in Fresnel Region," IEEE Trans., AP-16, No. 3 
(May 1968), pp. 305-309. 

4. Crawford, A. B., and Turrin, R. H., "A Packaged Antenna for Short-Hop 

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1605-1622. _, ^ T 

5. Hu, M. K., "Near-Zone Power Transmission Formulas," IRE Nat. Conv. 

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6. Slepian, D., "Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Un- 

certainty-IV ; Extensions to Many Dimensions; Generalized Prolate 
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7 Turrin R. H., "Dual Mode Small Aperture Antennas," IEEE Trans., AP-16, 

No. 2 (March 1967), pp. 307-308. . 

8 Kelleher, K. S., "High-Gain Reflector-Type Antennas," Antenna Engineering 

Handbook, H. Jasik, editor, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, Chapter 12. 
9. Chu, T. S., "A Note on Simulating Fraunhofer Radiation Patterns in the 
Fresnel Region," to be published in IEEE Trans., AP-19 No. 5 (Septem- 
ber 1971). 

10 Kogelnik, H, and Li, T., "Laser Beams and Resonators," Proc. IEEE, 54, 

No. 10 (October 1966), pp. 1312-1329. 

11 Cheng, D. K., "On the Simulation of Fraunhofer Radiation Patterns in the 

Fresnel Region," IEEE Trans., AP-5, No. 4 (October 1957), pp. 389-402.